Flos Olei includes Magnun Sess Premium among the best extra virgins in the world
That a guide as prestigious as the Flos Olei includes an extra virgin olive oil like Magnun Sess Premium in the list of the best in the world is an honour.
Especially when this publication is one of the most internationally recognized because, it analyzes nearly a thousand extra virgins from 53 producing countries.
The Flos Olei Guide, one of the most popular international guides, says so. It recognizes the quality of a group of extra virgin olive oils among nearly a thousand samples from all over the world -719 to be precise- that attend the event every year. This year, in the list of the best extra virgins in the world, Flos Olei has included Magnun Sess Premium, our company’s flagship.
In the 2020 edition, the guide edited by the food and wine journalist and expert taster, Marco Oreggia, has awarded 80 points to the “greenest” extra virgin of all those we produce at Magnun Sess Olive Oil, S.L. 80 points that validate in a totally objective way the excellence of our olive juice. 80 points that we are very grateful for because it is the first time that our oil has participated in such a prestigious competition, the result of which is shown in the form of the most influential publication in the sector.
This is a very important victory for us because only the extra virgins with more than 80 points are included in this headline publication which, in its 11th edition, offers a general overview of olive growing on the 5 continents. It analyses the 500 best olive oil producing companies in the world located in 53 countries.
About Flos Olei
Flos Olei is the first international guide dedicated to the world’s producers and their olive juices that have been rigorously selected by a renowned panel of tasters coordinated by Marco Oreggia, editor and publisher of the publication.
Published in two languages (Italian-English and Italian-Chinese), its 880 pages contain interesting information of 500 olive oil producers, as well as a map of the Spanish and Italian olive sector at regional level, accompanied by historical, cultural and production data, typical varieties and areas covered by protected designations of origin.
But not only that, the Flos Olei 2020 Guide contains a gastronomic version of the olive juices. In addition to their respective tasting notes, it includes gastronomic harmonies ordered by score and by geographical position.
Flos Olei, which also has an online version, responds to the need to create a product that brings freshness and vitality to the publishing scene in a very delicate sector such as olive growing.
Encourage excellence
It is clear that this type of initiative contributes in some way to encourage excellence. Because thanks to publications such as these, customers can find out which extra virgins are most valued. But we must not forget that many brands choose not to participate without being less excellent.
Thanks to the quality of the work compiled, this guide serves as a reference point for all consumers who like to enjoy good food, as well as for operators in the sector nationally and internationally. Both of them already have the Magnun Sess Premium to make the most of it.
We will continue to improve in order to capture the highest scores!
Thank you, Marco Oreggia and company, and congratulations to the other aoves participating in Flos Olei!